Dive into a sensory journey with Zoe, Veronica, and Julia. This isn’t just any massage; this is an immersive experience. Seated on a barber chair, Zoe is treated to a fusion of techniques using jelly slime soap, oil, and water, ensuring a unique ASMR experience that is both relaxing and invigorating.

Veronica and Julia, our talented masseuses, synergize their skills to create a soothing ambiance and tantalizing tactile sensations. The combined use of different mediums not only amplifies the ASMR effect but also promises a visual treat.

Join us in this session and experience relaxation like never before. And as always, we value your feedback. Let us know what you think, and if you’d like to see more of such unique combinations in the future!

Enjoy the tranquility! 🌺🌊🌿🧼🧴🎧